Stanislava Katsarova
I’m Stanislava, I graduated from the University of Nottingham with a master’s (MNutr) in Nutrition and Dietetics in August 2022. I started my first graduate position as a Research Dietitian at the Leicester Diabetes Centre in October 2022. I am involved in interventions focusing on adults living with type 2 diabetes and those living with obesity.
Favourite way to be active
I like having long walks with friends and doing some resistance training a couple of times a week.
Research Areas
Diet and Nutrition
Type 2 Diabetes
Current Projects
· DETA trial
· BariEX trial
· Reset for Remission trial
Katsarova, S. S., Redman, E., Arsenyadis, F., Brady, E. M., Rowlands, A. V., Edwardson, C. L., Goff, L. M., Khunti, K., Yates, T., Hall, A. P., Davies, M. J., & Henson, J. (2023). Differences in Dietary Intake, Eating Occasion Timings and Eating Windows between Chronotypes in Adults Living with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Nutrients, 15(18), 3868.